Ready to create a menopause-inclusive workplace?
The menopausal transition affects a significant portion of our ageing workforce, affecting physical and mental well-being. Organisations who address these challenges can increase employee engagement, performance, and retention.
Enter the Gender at Work Menopause Toolkit - a kete (basket) of wisdom, resources, and guidance on creating a menopause-inclusive workplace. This toolkit is filled with real and practical ideas that are tried and tested in New Zealand organisations.
In 2021, we identified the opportunities to address menopause-related challenges and incorporated addressing them as advanced criteria into our GenderTick accreditation. Built on the wisdom of leading organisations, this toolkit was created to enable all businesses of all sizes to commit to menopause-inclusive workplaces.
Buy the toolkit as a stand-alone offer for non-community members.
Become a Gender at Work Community Member and access the toolkit as a FREE benefit.
Already a member? Simply log-in to our Members Area or request to create an account.
Benefits of the Gender at Work Menopause Toolkit
With the toolkit, organisations can take steps to address the impacts of the menopausal transition which can help:
Reduce costs related to recruitment, employee absenteeism and employment relations issues
Be seen as an employer of choice that wants to look after its people
Increase brand reputation - be seen as a progressive organisation that supports all people
Retain key talent and experience
Improve gender balance
Improve female representation at senior levels
Reduce the gender pay gap
Increase employee engagement, motivation and productivity
What does the Gender at Work Menopause Toolkit cover?
Part A: Menopause in Aotearoa New Zealand
What is the menopausal transition?
The stigma surrounding menopause
Rainbow inclusion
Ethnic and indigenous communities
Wāhine Māori
Recent key findings about experiences in Aotearoa
Part B: Introducing Support in the Workplace
Why should organisations support employees?
A business case for menopause support
Understanding the organisation’s current state of readiness
Developing a menopause at work programme
Role-specific actions
Creating a supportive community
Thoughtful communications planning
Measuring progress
Insights from Gender at Work Members
How much does it cost to buy the toolkit?
The Gender at Work Menopause Toolkit is a FREE benefit for our Gender at Work Community Members. If you’re already a member, you can access this in the Members Area. To join as a member, fill out the form here.
We also offer the Gender at Work Menopause Toolkit as a standalone product for non-community members. Usually $2,000+GST, the Menopause Toolkit is currently priced at $995+GST as part of an end of year discount.
Step-by-Step Process
Purchase the Gender at Work Menopause Toolkit for your organisation on our website.
Gender at Work Community Members can download the toolkit for free by visiting the Members Area.
We will send you a link to download the toolkit, including a presentation and policy template for your organisation.
Download the Toolkit and implement the recommendations within your organistion.
Not sure whether the Gender at Work Menopause Toolkit is for your organisation? Book a free 15-minute chat below and we can answer any questions you have.
Get in touch
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Send a message to our team and we’ll get back to you!